Holding Pattern

Holding Pattern is a personal Tumblr featuring a collection of airport imagery from above. I’ve long been fascinated by airports — there’s something about the comings + goings, the organization + operation … ultimately the systems of design at play … that’s so intriguing to me.
Whether DCA, JFK, or the little municipal airport, I’ve always lived in a direct flight pattern of an airport. Day-to-day, I glance out my window and watch planes circle about waiting to land. During layovers, I often find myself observing the activity on the runway and thinking that I’d love to see this from above. With a creative block on a project, I took to Google Mapping airports and was enamored by the beautiful satellite shots on my screen. Now, during moments of wanderlust, I find myself contemplating destinations and letting the geography, linework, and typography guide me someplace new.
So, that’s not exactly a ‘holding pattern’ you say … You’re right, but I love the idea of circling above an airport waiting to land. I feel like that mirrors my process of searching for + cropping the right shot. Plus, I love the fact that a lot of the taxiway markings and linework are patterned across an airport’s tarmac.
as featured by